Supporting LHRC
LHRC depends on donations from generous individuals like you to continue our pioneering research, education, and community collaborations. The gift you make today will help us transform the health horizons for all LBT people and our families.
We are the only existing Lesbian Health & Research Center housed within one of the world's premier institutions in the health sciences (University of California, San Francisco). Our mission is to enhance clinical practice and inform public policy about the health needs of, and delivery of services to: lesbians, bisexual women, transgender people, and our families through a comprehensive program of research, education, training, public events and community collaborations.
LHRC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and all donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Our federal tax identification number is 94-6036493.
Thank you for giving to LHRC!
If you prefer, you may send us a check payable to either:
Lesbian Health & Research Center
and send it to:
LHRC - UCSF Laurel Heights Campus
3333 California St, Suite 340
San Francisco, CA 94118
ATTN: Lisabeth Castro-Smyth
Please tell us how you would like your donation to be acknowledged. You can download an Acknowledgement Form (click button below), or kindly insert a note with your check:
We appreciate and thank you for your gift! If you have any questions, please call us at: (415) 502-5209. |